Tuesday, November 13, 2012

3 Virtual LAN Tips For SMBs | Apple iPad Mini: One Week In

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InformationWeek SMB
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  Tuesday, November 13, 2012
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CIO Columnist 3 Virtual LAN Tips For SMBs
By Kevin Casey
Virtual LANs aren't just for large organizations with multiple departments. Consider these three scenarios for how they might benefit smaller office environments.

Apple iPad Mini: One Week In
Now that I've spent a full week using the iPad Mini, here are some thoughts on its strengths and weaknesses.

9 Ways Skype Professional Network Helps SMBs
There's a new professional network on the block: Skype in the Workspace. Here are 9 reasons it's worth a look for small businesses and other users.

Twitter Password Security: 5 Things To Know
Twitter's response to compromised accounts teaches us lessons in social (networking) security.

Microsoft Windows Chief Sinofsky Abruptly Quits
Microsoft veteran Steven Sinofsky says his departure is strictly for personal reasons, but his exit could leave the company in the lurch at a critical time.

IT's Future: Less Building, More Bundling
With human resources, marketing and other departments going in different technological directions, IT's new mission is to tie all the company's services securely together.

  Digital Issue  
Clinical, patient engagement, and consumer apps promise to re-energize healthcare.

Also in the new, all-digital issue of InformationWeek Healthcare: Comparative effectiveness research taps the IT toolbox to compare treatments to determine which ones are most effective.

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IT Pro Impact: 40 BYOD Vendors, One Confusing Market
As enterprise IT gears up to battle mobility run amok, vendors are employing some sleight of hand, using a mix of acronyms to disguise few comprehensive offerings. We took the pulse of this hot area, asking 40 providers tough questions about cost, capabilities, deployment options and more.
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Featured Report
Fundamentals: Application Early-Warning System
Most IT teams have synthetic monitoring of their websites down. Now it's time to extend that vigilance to client-server applications. In this report, we'll dig into the substantial logistical challenges of using synthetictransaction monitoring to inspect applications, beyond websites, and look ahead to what's happening with cloud vendors.
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Featured Report


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8 Factors to Evaluate SaaS Integration Strategies
Historically, enterprise-wide integration and its countless business benefits have only been available to large companies due to the high costs of purchasing and implementing integration solutions. Download this white paper to learn about SaaS implications for integration into mission critical business processes and 8 critical factors for evaluating SaaS integration strategies.
Download Now (Registration Required)

VMware View and Desktop Virtualization
Virtualization long ago ceased to be an activity for risk-takers and is now largely a mainstream phenomenon. However, virtualization has made most of its inroads at the server level and not at the desktop. Learn about a product that is proving to be adaptable, reliable, and cost-effective for a wide range of small and mid-size business organizations.
Download Now (Registration Required)

8 Cool Windows 8 Tablets
As Microsoft and its hardware partners produce Windows 8 devices in droves, here's a look at some of the more noteworthy launches.

5 Ways To Survive The Coming IT Apocalypse
We IT leaders say we believe in the new ways. But we won't survive if our actions don't match our words.

Apple Will Pay For Paltry Samsung Apology
U.K. judge, irritated with Apple's halfhearted compliance with the court's decision, orders it to pay Samsung's legal fees.

10 Best Apps For Samsung Galaxy Notes
Check out these 10 great apps that take advantage of the Samsung phablet's S Pen stylus.

HTC Settles Apple Lawsuit
HTC and Apple enter into patent licensing agreement, with HTC reportedly to pay $6 to $8 to Apple for every Android-equipped handset sold.

Data-Centric Security In A Mobile World
In this Webcast, consultant Michael Davis will discuss the results of our InformationWeek 2012 Mobile Security Survey and outline the steps necessary to protect data on mobile devices: a unified policy; enforcement of the rules through use of technology such as encryption of sensitive assets; and education of end users and IT pros. It happens Tuesday, November 13, 2012.

Click here
InformationWeek 2013 Outlook Survey
We are conducting our annual Outlook Survey to explore how IT leaders are planning their priorities and budgets for 2013. The results of the survey will appear in an upcoming issue as well as in an in-depth report. Take our survey now and enter to win one Samsung Series 5 Chromebook.
Survey ends Nov. 19

This e-mail was sent to sojo.blo@gmail.com

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