|  | The BrainYard weekly newsletter — the latest news and information on social business technologies. Don't miss The BrainYard's news and updates — please add thebrainyard@techwebdigitalcontent.com to your contact list or address book. |  |  |  | |  |  Why Your 'Weak' Relationships Pack Strength By Jacob Morgan  Often, we focus on building strong relationships with people. After all, the better we know someone and the stronger the relationship is, the more valuable it is for us, right? These are our strong ties. It's a bit counter-intuitive, but in the workplace it is not the strong ties that are the most beneficial. Weak ties -- acquaintances or people that you might not know that well -- can be far more valuable. In 1973, the sociologist Mark Granovetter published a paper titled "The Strength of Weak Ties" in which he explains the value of casual ties. Granovetter analogizes weak ties to being bridges, which allow us to disseminate and get access to information that we might not otherwise have access to. In fact, Granovetter states, "all bridges are weak ties." READ MORE » LinkedIn Launches Ads APILinkedIn Ads API opens the door for a new class -- and a new scale -- of B2B social advertising and marketing campaigns on the site. Google Links Gmail To Drive For Huge AttachmentsGmail users can now attach files as large as 10 GB, in a manner of speaking. Blue Rooster Unveils SharePoint-Based File Sharing ToolMadison service facilitates document collaboration with the extra levels of security that Microsoft SharePoint and Azure provide. MORE NEWS » David F. Carr Few Enterprises Move At The Speed Of Social Part of the challenge of social business is matching speeds between enterprises and organizations like Facebook with a "move fast and break things" philosophy, says Hearsay Social CTO Steve Garrity. | | MORE COMMENTARY » MORE SLIDESHOWS » MORE VIDEOS » |  | 

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