Tuesday, November 13, 2012

3 Big Social Business Implementation Challenges

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3 Big Social Business Implementation Challenges

By Debra Donston-Miller

Organizational and cultural issues prevent enterprises from gaining full benefit from social business initiatives, IBM study says.

The value of social business products and practices is becoming better recognized by organizations, but many face cultural and organizational issues that limit their ability to take advantage of those new capabilities. That's the word from a new IBM Institute for Business Value study, "The Business of Social Business," based on responses from more than 1,100 individuals and interviews with more than two dozen executives.

According to survey respondents, social business tools are used for promoting events/marketing campaigns (71%), generating sales leads and revenue (51%), product and services support (46%) and direct sales (35%). Respondents said they plan to increase their use of social business in all of these areas in the next two years, with the most significant jumps coming in the areas of lead and revenue generation. Respondents also said that they plan to increase the application of social business technologies and approaches into the day-to-day activities of their workforces, as well as into collaboration with outside customers, vendors and partners.

But all of this doesn't just happen by virtue of establishing presence on external social networks or even by implementing an internal social business platform, the respondents noted.

According to the report, organizations that have experienced the most success in social business approaches have made fundamental changes in the way employees work. Three key issues must be addressed, based on interviews and survey responses.



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This Edition

Microsoft Sharepoint, Yammer Get Closer: The Social Story

DoubleDutch Gains $4 Million For Social Mobile CRM

Innovation Lesson: Disrupt Before You're Disrupted

Social-Focused IT Hires On Back Burner

Pinterest Tests Secret Boards

How To Overcome Social Business Performance Obstacles

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The first thing should be THERE IS NO SECURITY! They say "We're committed to keeping Twitter a safe and open community and educating you, our users, about the best ways to keep your accounts secure". I find it kind of amusing that they virtually want to be hacked, spammed and viewed as not being secure by telling people like they have in the past, that you need to learn how to manage the damage when you get "compromised". And they will continue to be HACKED defrauded and a continual source of annoying spam until they implement stronger guidelines and in my opinion implement some form of 2FA (two-factor authentication) where you can telesign into your account.

Comment by: Eric Brown

Commenting on Twitter Password Security: 5 Things To Know»


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