Tuesday, November 13, 2012

9 Uses: Skype Social Network | Microsoft Windows Chief Quits

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  Tuesday, November 13, 2012
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Between The Lines Columnist Microsoft Windows Chief Sinofsky Abruptly Quits
By Paul McDougall
Microsoft veteran Steven Sinofsky says his departure is strictly for personal reasons, but his exit could leave the company in the lurch at a critical time.

Microsoft Sharepoint, Yammer Get Closer: The Social Story
Microsoft Adds SharePoint Services, Cuts Yammer Prices

9 Ways Skype Professional Network Helps SMBs
There's a new professional network on the block: Skype in the Workspace. Here are 9 reasons it's worth a look for small businesses and other users.

McAfee Founder Says Belize Framing Him For Murder
Millionaire John McAfee, who founded the eponymous antivirus vendor -- since bought by Intel -- says he's being framed by Belizean authorities in a murder case and is now on the run.

SAP Takes Big Step Putting CRM On Hana
Watch out Salesforce.com: SAP releases a Hana in-memory database upgrade capable of running core transactional applications, starting with a customer relationship package.

Amazon Cloud Data Center Opens In Australia
Amazon Web Services extends its reach around the world, offers full gamut of cloud services from new Sydney data center.

Hurricane Sandy: Big Data Predicted Big Power Outages
What can be learned for future weather events? For starters, simulations must happen quickly and no single forecasting model will do.

Why Ford Courts Electrical And Software Engineers
Ford CTO Paul Mascarenas discusses the company's challenges in recruiting and in developing products, as software becomes more critical to differentiating its cars and trucks.

Intel Itanium, Server Plans Shape Up
Intel clarifies the future of its high-end processor line, which had appeared in danger during HP's recent lawsuit with Oracle.

"Without forgiveness life is governed by...an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation." -- Roberto Assagioli

Why Ford Courts Electrical And Software Engineers
Intel Itanium, Server Plans Shape Up
Research: State of Servers: Full, Fast and Diverse
Gartner Report: Critical Capabilities for Enterprise Endpoint Backup
8 Cool Windows 8 Tablets
Service Virtualization: Real World Challenges, Real World Perspectives
InformationWeek 2013 Outlook Survey

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Posted By Risko:
"Apple takes risks and pride in innovating and bringing inventions to the consumer level. Samsung copies what becomes groundbreaking. How is that for a clue?"
In reply to: "Apple Will Pay For Paltry Samsung Apology"
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Posted By Tony Kontzer:
"We may demystify data science as it's defined today, but there will always be another data-manipulation black art on the horizon. Let's face it--without black art, there is no IT."
In reply to: "Big Data Talent War: 7 Ways To Win"
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  Digital Issue  
Clinical, patient engagement, and consumer apps promise to re-energize healthcare.

Also in the new, all-digital issue of InformationWeek Healthcare: Comparative effectiveness research taps the IT toolbox to compare treatments to determine which ones are most effective.

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Research: State of Servers: Full, Fast and Diverse
Infrastructure may be cool again thanks to SDN, but network guys aren't having all the fun: 48% of the 543 respondents to our latest State of Servers poll mix and match server vendors, and 40% are intrigued by rack-based designs, like the one being developed by the Open Compute Project. But it's not all fun and games, as 63% say high virtualization/consolidation ratios are stressing their gear.
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Featured Report
Research: 2012 Social Staffing Survey
The rise in social technology adoption is not reflected in IT hiring - yet - but this is one area where savvy business users could break into IT: While just 9% of respondents to our survey say they plan to increase staff in the area of social/collaboration in the next year, 92% of those who identify it as a top area of staffing increase say no specialized industry certs are required, and 84% are willing to train.
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Featured Report


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Gartner Report: Critical Capabilities for Enterprise Endpoint Backup
This analyst report rates the critical capabilities for the two common use cases: mobile and office-centric workforces. Download this white paper to discover the critical product capabilities that matter and learn about the unique backup needs of the mobile and office-centric workforces.
Download Now (Registration Required)

Why Budgeting Fails: One Management System is Not Enough
Whether you are preparing for, or have already begun your budget, you'll want to understand how your organization can adopt the best practices outlined in this article.
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8 Cool Windows 8 Tablets
As Microsoft and its hardware partners produce Windows 8 devices in droves, here's a look at some of the more noteworthy launches.

Apple Will Pay For Paltry Samsung Apology
U.K. judge, irritated with Apple's halfhearted compliance with the court's decision, orders it to pay Samsung's legal fees.

5 Ways To Survive The Coming IT Apocalypse
We IT leaders say we believe in the new ways. But we won't survive if our actions don't match our words.

10 Best Apps For Samsung Galaxy Notes
Check out these 10 great apps that take advantage of the Samsung phablet's S Pen stylus.

10 Wearable Health Tech Devices To Watch
Wearable medical technology is becoming a hot commodity. As these devices come to market, they have the potential to help both patients and clinicians monitor vital signs and symptoms.


Surface Hands-On At The Microsoft Store
They look a lot like Apple Stores, but Microsoft Stores sell Windows PCs and Surfaces and Xboxes. One is coming, if not to a mall near you, then some place near an Apple Store for sure. I popped in to my local Microsoft Store to take a Surface tablet for a spin.   View Now

The BrainYard's 7 Social Business Leaders Of 2012
6 Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management Systems To Watch

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Cisco CEO John Chambers Ready For Battle
It's been a tough couple years for Cisco CEO John Chambers, but he has emerged from the struggle just as spry and confident as ever. CRN editor-at-large Chad Berndtson sits down with Chambers to talk about the competition and the future.   Watch

The Tech Industry & The Stimulus Money: Failure?
Alteryx: Big Data Analytics For Mere Mortals

Service Virtualization: Real World Challenges, Real World Perspectives
Join this interactive panel discussion to hear how industry leaders are employing Service Virtualization as an essential part of their quality management strategy. It happens Wednesday, December 5, 2012. More Information & Registration

Click here
InformationWeek 2013 Outlook Survey
We are conducting our annual Outlook Survey to explore how IT leaders are planning their priorities and budgets for 2013. The results of the survey will appear in an upcoming issue as well as in an in-depth report. Take our survey now and enter to win one Samsung Series 5 Chromebook.
Survey ends Nov. 19

This e-mail was sent to sojo.blo@gmail.com

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