Saturday, October 20, 2012

Whither, iPad Mini? | Windows 8 Beats Mac, Appsolutely

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  Saturday, October 20, 2012
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InformationWeek Editor
Tom LaSusa

To borrow somewhat from the annals of history: "The Mini is coming...the Mini is coming!*" But you know, I just don't understand why.

Granted, I know what the point of an iPad Mini is to the folks at Apple: to get a slice of that tasty market pie that Amazon and Google have been enjoying with the Kindle Fire and Nexus 7. Still, ever since the rumors of the device began circulating, I couldn't help thinking that Apple risks shooting themselves in the foot--or in this case--the bigger iPad.

The folks over at share the same opinion. In their recent article, they cite analysts who are confident iPad Mini will cannibalize as many as 1 million current-gen iPad sales during the fourth quarter.

Byte Editor Larry Seltzer opines, "Apple neither makes nor loses money when someone buys a Kindle Fire. But if the [cannibalization] is true, and they're losing iPad 'Biggie' sales then it's a matter of which is more profitable to Apple."

But perhaps for Apple, a sale is a sale, as long as it's not the other guy's mini tablets.

So Mini is coming, whether we want it or not. Since we're getting it, we have a wishlist of 8 features we'd most like to see--from a powerful battery to optional 4G LTE service.

Are you looking forward to the iPad Mini's debut? What features would you like it to have? Or do you think Apple could stumble with this one? Drop me a line @

*(Editor's Note: Yes I know, Paul Revere never shouted 'The British are coming.' Though he probably did shout "The Regulars [or the Redcoats] are coming!" So there's your history lesson for the weekend!)

Tom LaSusa
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Posted By GAProgrammer:
"I don't understand all the angst -- the Live Tiles are really nothing more than big icons that you already click on. I have used Win8 and the interface is a dramatic change, but nothing that can't be overcome in a few hours of usage."
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Join us on October 24 for Valley View, our exciting live video show. In addition to chats with Cisco CEO John Chambers & Oracle President Mark Hurd, we'll take deep dive into an exclusive report on how technology companies spent economic stimulus money (and what the outcome of that spending was). We'll also feature our Elevator Pitch session, a rapid-fire deluge of information about new technology approaches.

One company's elevator pitch we'll be highlighting: Hearsay Social.

The social enterprise space is littered with exciting companies. Stop me if you've heard this pitch: "We're like Facebook, but for the enterprise." So it's often hard to sort out the differences between all of these companies, and which is in the best position to help your organization reach its goals. Hearsay Social is firmly rooted in enterprise social, and it is also firmly rooted in helping sales organizations and other business entities engage with customers using traditional, public-facing social media, with the typical controls you'd expect in the enterprise. Indeed, Hearsay counts many household names, including some financial services companies, as customers.

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