Tuesday, October 30, 2012 | | | QUOTE OF THE DAY "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." -- Dalai Lama ALSO SEE JOIN THE CONVERSATION Posted By NJ Mike: "Let's get real here. For most of us, the OS is just something that runs our computers so we can do our jobs. It is like a hammer or a saw for a carpenter. Does the hammer drive in nails? Yes. So will a carpenter look to replace it for a fancier tool that will take time to learn?" In reply to: Windows 8: You Can Handle The Learning Curve View Entire Response | Post Your Own Reply | | | | | DOWNLOAD DARK READING'S LATEST DIGITAL ISSUE Online retailers are stuck in a maze of e-business security and PCI compliance requirements. The new, all-digital special issue of Dark Reading gives you 10 Ways To Secure Web Data. DOWNLOAD NOW FREE (Registration Required) | | REPORTS & WHITEPAPERS FEATURED REPORTS Design on a Dime: 6 Game-Changing Mobile Payment Apps Want to accept credit cards without excess hassle and expense? With more smartphones incorporating NFC, it makes sense to consider new payment apps that deliver convenience for -customers with reasonable fees for sellers-two are even free. We run down systems from Dwolla, Intuit GoPayment, Kuapay, LevelUp, Square and Tabbedout. Download Now (Registration Required)
| | Research: 2012 State of IT Staffing Forty-seven percent of business technology pros we surveyed say staffing at their companies has increased over a year ago, and just 18% say it's decreased. The standout is app dev, with 25% of respondents putting it in the top two categories of growth. Find out what other skills are sought after and whether that demand translates into more hiring in this report. Download Now (Registration Required) | | |  |  |  | FEATURED WHITEPAPERS Big Data Analytics Guide 2012 What's the big deal with Big Data? Today, organizations of all types and sizes are inundated with enormous data sets from various internal and external sources-from transactional data to unstructured data from social media and other sources. To further your path toward better, smarter ways of working with data, download this series of articles in the 2012 Big Data Analytics Guide to gain a competitive edge. Download Now (Registration Required) 10 Reasons to Modernize the Desktop IT departments need a solution that meets the evolving needs of both the employees and IT - something not possible with a traditional PC model. Read this paper to learn the benefits of moving beyond the physical PC to a modern desktop that is highly flexible, easy to manage, customizable to suit users' needs, and ready for new and future technology. Download Now (Registration Required) | MOST POPULAR NEWS Cyber Attacks: Are You Really Safe? Are you ready for the coming Cyber War? Attacks against financial institutions and other critical commercial institutions are just the beginning. Join us for the informative session to learn what advanced evasion techniques (AETs) are, how they differ from standard attacks and how to stay under their radar. It happens Tuesday, October 30, 2012 More Information & Registration | | | RESOURCES AND EVENTS E2 Innovate Conference & Expo The business world is changing. Is your company ready? E2 Innovate, formerly Enterprise 2.0, is the only event of its kind, bringing strategic business professionals together with industry influencers and next-gen enterprise technologies. Register today and save $200 on current pricing or get a free expo pass. Nov. 12-15, 2012, at the Santa Clara Convention Center, Silicon Valley. Get more details and register This e-mail was sent to sojo.blo@gmail.com
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