Monday, January 28, 2013

5 Career Tips For Any IT Leader | Higher Ed Tests Analytics

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  Monday, January 28, 2013
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John McGreavy
John McGreavy
Secret CIO: 5 Steps To That CIO Title
Dear John: I work for a great company, and my bosses (CEO and CFO) have given me great freedom. However, when I was asked (told) to take over IT four years ago as the IT director after being in finance for 10 years, I thought I'd be in a different place by now.

IT was a mess. No vision, no strategic direction and no communications. I pushed for and was given the chance to overhaul all of our systems with a major ERP project (Microsoft Dynamics AX). We're still implementing and making great progress, but it has been a monumental challenge overcoming organizational culture to implement not only a system, but also standard operating procedures across five organizations.

So here I sit as the IT director of an $800 million organization that I believe should have a CIO. Currently, I'm first in line to replace my boss, the CFO, when he retires in five to eight years. A lot can change in that time, and I fear that waiting will close the window for good if things don't work out.

My biggest issue is that I believe I'm doing the CIO job right now based on what job descriptions I can find. The primary goal of our ERP system has been to support the long-term growth and efficiency of our organization. Although I still have a fair number of specific tasks to do because of resource constraints, I think my value and the focus of my work over the last four years has been setting and implementing corporate strategies. What should I do? Stop worrying and be happy that I have a good job at a solid company, one where my opinions are valued and I'm in line for a big promotion in five to 10 years? Continue to press for the CIO title? Or start looking

  Digital Issue  
Federal Meaningful Use Stage 2 requirements will make your medical organization more competitive -- if they don't drive you off the deep end.

Also: As a nation, we're falling short of the goal of boosting efficiency and saving money with health IT.

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Higher Ed Puts Analytics To The Test
Can data analysis keep students on track and improve college retention rates?

To Avoid Nasty Surprises, Higher Ed Turns To Prediction
Colleges are turning to predictive analytics for a variety of uses.

Meaningful Use Stage 2 Could Be IT Quagmire
Federal Meaningful Use Stage 2 requirements will make your organization more competitive -- if they don't drive you off the deep end.

Healthcare IT: Savior Or Sinkhole
Latest RAND report suggests we might be throwing taxpayer dollars away on EHRs and other healthcare IT systems.

Is Mobile Device Management The Answer?
MDM software is being considered by healthcare IT execs concerned about security.

Startup Culture And Innovation, Defended
Pointing to startup failures is a lame excuse for clinging to the status quo and mediocrity in an IT organization.


Research: Apple Outlook Survey
It wasn't long ago that only IT pros in education and creative services supported Apple products on a large scale. Sure, other orgs might have a few Mac users tucked away, islands of quirkiness in an ocean of Windows corporate conformity, but they were largely on their own. Times have changed thanks to iPhones and iPads, but the question remains: Will Apple step up to become an enduring enterprise presence?
Download Now (Registration Required)

Featured Report


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Three Rules for Building a Smarter Supply Chain
The key to elevating organizational efficiency and profits lies in building a smarter supply chain. Building a smarter supply chain requires attention on three key priorities. Read how these three rules can transform your business and discover how supply chain management solutions are engineered to help you build a smarter supply chain and achieve the perfect order.
Download Now (Registration Required)

10 Best Android Apps Of 2012
Check out these 10 gems that stood out from the crowd of 700,000 Android apps.

Facebook Blocks Vine, Wonder Apps
If you take our data, you must let your users share on Facebook, say Facebook's new rules.

10 Great Windows 8 Apps
Transitioning to Windows 8 isn't easy, but these apps can help.

20 Great Ideas To Steal In 2012
Are you playing it too safe, IT leaders? Take these InformationWeek 500 projects along to rev up your next brainstorming session.

7 Top Business Intelligence Trends For 2013
Short list of BI hot buttons includes dashboards, self-service, mobile, in-memory, cloud, collaboration and, of course, big data.

Do Your Mobile Management and Security Requirements Match Your Business Imperatives?
The first phase of adoption is usually when executives start using personal mobile devices followed by a democratization of the mobile workforce. More and more employees, especially those who are customer and partner-facing, are using mobile devices in the workplace. And more recently, organizations are beginning to recognize the benefits of mobile use and actvitely pursuing it. More Information & Registration

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2013 InformationWeek 500: Nominations Now Accepted
It's that time of the year again: Nominate your company for the 2013 InformationWeek 500 -- It's our 25th annual ranking of the country's most innovative users of business technology. Organizations with $250 million or more in revenue may pre-register now to receive more information.
Deadline is April 12

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