Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Beyond IT Service Mgmt | The NSA & Big Data | Vulnerability Mgmt in Dev

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August 6, 2013
InformationWeek Reports Newsletter
Featured Content

Exploit Devs At Risk: The Nuclear Scientists Of The Next Decade?

Will a nations exploit developers become the potential targets of state-sponsored assassinations in the future, much like the nuclear scientists of the past century?
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Open Public Wi-Fi: How To Stay Safe

One day our systems will be built to default always to secure configurations, but we're not there yet

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 More Resources
Impact of Cloud Technologies on IT Service Mgmt
Rapidly escalating demands associated with the adoption of cloud services are driving a significant number of organizations to investigate ITSM delivery alternatives. Organizations need a new breed of ITSM solutions that can address their hybrid cloud operating environment with a mix of traditional, on-premise systems and widening array of cloud services.

Big Data Demands Big Changes to Legacy Backup
Download the Storage Switzerland report on backup software licensing placing undue burden on organizations and the new era of licensing to improve efficiencies and costs.

Security Requirements vs. Operational Challenges
In this webinar, guest speaker Rick Holland, senior analyst serving Security & Risk Professionals at Forrester Research, discusses the security and operational challenges associated with advanced malware protection.

InformationWeek: Digital Issue

Here Comes The Internet Of Things
Items from pills to power plants will soon generate billions of data points. How will this movement change your industry? Also in the new, all-digital Here Comes The Internet Of Things issue of InformationWeek: How IT can capitalize on the NSA's big data prowess.


Patient Engagement - Sponsored by DocuSign
Healthcare providers must look beyond Meaningful Use regulations and start asking: Is my site as useful as Amazon? Also in the new, all-digital Patient Engagement issue of InformationWeek Healthcare: IT executives need to stay well informed about the strengths and limitations of comparative effectiveness research.


Heading Off Advanced Social Engineering Attacks - Sponsored by Trusteer
Social engineering attacks are getting increasingly sophisticated, but there's only so much the law and technology can do to protect your organization. In this Dark Reading report, we detail how a social engineering attack is developed and what IT professionals can do to prevent their users from being targets and victims.

Integrating Vulnerability Management in the Development Process - Sponsored by Lumension
There's no such thing as perfection when it comes to software applications, but organizations should make every effort to ensure that their developers do everything in their power to get as close as possible. This Dark Reading report examines the challenges of finding and remediating bugs in applications that are growing in complexity and number, and recommends tools and best practices for weaving vulnerability management into the development process from the very beginning.


The NSA and Big Data: What IT Can Learn - Sponsored by Trusteer
Recent revelations about the NSA's cyber-spying capabilities are an IT version of sausage-making: Everyone knew something was going on, but it all seemed much more disturbing once the messy details were exposed. While there's plenty for privacy advocates and civil libertarians to grouse about, the technologies underpinning the NSA's data collection and analysis programs provide much for IT pros to cheer. The agency has built a scalable, extensible, secure big data system that rivals, and in some cases exceeds, anything cloud heavyweights like Google, Amazon or Apple have deployed. CIOs can leverage this and other tools Big Brother uses to analyze online activities. Here's how.


Beyond IT Service Management - Sponsored by FrontRange
There are two ways to look at an IT as a service model: as a well-intentioned but jargon- and bureaucracy-filled worldview or as a fully integrated, engaged and involved part of the company's operations. You can guess which one we recommend, and it seems the 409 respondents to our InformationWeek 2013 Service-Oriented IT Survey agree.


Comparison: Comprehensive Data Recovery - Sponsored by Asigra
Comprehensive data recovery—it's a tall order. We asked a lot from vendors in this Buyer's Guide, from the ability to back up data from mobile devices, desktops, and physical and virtual servers to local and cloud repositories to the ability for end users and IT to restore individual files, directories, and entire devices or disk partitions on a self-service basis. Learn which companies pull it off.

InformationWeek Reports is brought to you by Asigra, FrontRange, Imperva, Lumension, Trusteer and UBM Tech.

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