This is Mark, I saw your email address on your Linkedin profile so I hope you don't mind me taking the liberty of emailing you.
Based on your impressive background I thought you would be interested in a free sample of great prospecting data for your business.
I have access to the best data bases at unheard of low prices. I can provide you with email addresses and full contact information of C-Level executives in virtually any industry you market to. Let me show you by emailing you a sample based on your needs. Just let me know what you are looking for.
The Countries our data include U.S., U.K and Australia. Just email me back with what types of companies and where in the country your prospects are located.
I can provide you with the Company Name, EMAIL addresses of the executives, with Physical Address, Phone Numbers, Executives Names and Titles of C-Level contacts, V.P. and Manager levels, Number of employees, Sales Volume, Sales Volume, Stock Exchange ticker symbol, credit rating, business expenditures, web address, yellow page ad size, years in business, square footage number of PCs
This data can typically cost $.85-$1.25 cents per Company Lead from D&B, Hoovers, etc. I can provide it for you for under .08 cents. I will email you some leads if you just tell me what leads are helpful to you.
I also have a very current list of 17,000 CTO's CIO's, Directors of IT, CEO's, etc. In North America with direct phone numbers and EMAIL addresses in Health Care, Financial, Manufacturing and ISV's. Let me know if this list interests you or any of your friends or collegues.
Our company will email to your list utilizing our servers and the emails are sent out with high reliability getting through the SPAM filters right
to your intended party's inbox, along with your reply address and or website. Please email me back or give me a call, Regards, Mark
Mark Wilten
Brightideas Marketing
Direct: 678-871-9760
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