Sunday, April 7, 2013

Have you looked into Empower Network yet?

If you're in already - fantastic! If not, then right now is when
you decide if you're happy with where you are, or if you really
desire to better your life and that of others.

A couple months back I realized that to better my life and to make
more mo.ney it was gonna take one of two things -- time or a little

Well -- time never did anything for me. I was still broke and my 50
hour weeks got me more depressed and never gave me the life I had
longed for. Fin.ancial freedom wasn't finding me and I didn't even
understand the definition of 'time freedom'.

My only other option was to take a little of my "hard earned"
m.oney, and put it into bettering my life. If time wasn't getting
me there I knew a little m.oney HAD to.

And it did - my hard earned m.oney turned to easily earned m.oney
and is coming in such abundance that I still don't know what to
do with myself! No joke - no exaggeration.

Empower Network is the main program providing my su.ccess.

So by now you might be asking yourself, "What's the catch?"

There is none!

Your only responsibility is to take action. I have the rest of the
process stream lined for you, just as it is for me. From the set up
all the way to my automated marketing system - the exact same system
providing 6 figures a month for me.

Strength is in the numbers. The more people that run across your
website are the more numbers that will convert into sales. Think
about it - not everyone who visits your site will join.

In fact if 1 out of every hundred that visit your site join,
you're not doing bad. But if you drive hundreds of prospects to
your site on a daily basis, you're going to be making multiple sales
a day. That's what it all boils down to. Numbers, numbers, numbers.

You see, most people use old fashioned ways where they only reach
5-10 people a day with cold calling or other worn out means.

Or if you ARE marketing online, you may not know how to stampede
traffic to your website. If you only drive 20 people to your website
a day (which is about the average of online marketers) of course your
business will move slowly!

But I drive hundreds of people to my website on a daily basis - that is
the one and only reason why I cycle a couple times a day. When I was only
driving a few to my website a day, you better believe I was lucky to
make even my first sale before I gave up and called the business a scam!

With the EXACT same website and the EXACT same tools available to
you, this is gonna happen for you, too - IF you take action.

I'm 'working' at a leisurely pace of a few minutes a day -- but if you pull 
more traffic to your site, I guarantee you'll make more money than I do!


I think you are already starting to realize that you can make money
here and do it very quickly.

It all depends on how much action you can take and how fast you are
willing to take it! I can definitely help you out in that area! I
always recommend marketing methods that have already been tested to
produce results with Empower Network.

So as my final question to you -- if you aren't a part of Empower
Network yet, do you really want to run the risk of being broke at

-- OR --

Do you want to find the su.ccess and freedom I have found?

Freedom to do and have what you want. Freedom to freely give to
others. The freedom of knowing that when you retire you'll have
more m.oney than you need and not end up dead broke like 95% of
this population at retirement age.

The freedom of knowing that when you pass on to an even better
life, you'll leave a legacy and a large inheritance for your
children -- not a lot of bills.

Let me know, and I'll gladly work with you to get you there
quickly. Remember, when I found this bus.iness I quit my job in
less than a month... simply by plugging into the inline system! You
can easily do the same.

So visit:
 and let's get going!

Remember - think numbers, and this baby is gonna crank out the cash
for you! :o)

Talk to you soon!

Best regards,

Sadhan Samanta
Entrepreneur/Internet Marketing Trainer
+91 9350819481

Skype : sadhansamanta

If for ANY reason you don't want to be part of the 25,000+ members
that follow my money-getting teachings, trainings, emails - and 
you want to lose out all the amazing information i provide that 
helps more people make more money online....

then you can go ahead and remove yourself and lose out whilst 
the other 25,000+ people that follow me for my valuable money-getting 
strategies, tips & tricks get the unfair advantage over you...
by just replying to this message with subject UNSUBSCRIBE 
and you would be removed from this list...

I would rather you stay, get more money - and send me testimonials :-)

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