Sunday, October 7, 2007

Beware of Realestate Internet Scam

Here is one cool way you can be easily cheated while renting out your House/Apartment online.

A female saw an ad for an apartment in Calgary, AB on our rental website (, but she mentioned that she is arriving in USA. How dumb these people can be not to differentiate between Canada and USA, anyway I told my client (whose ad it was) to be very very careful with those kind of scam artist. My client responded her and astonishingly she received money orders of 3000$ a 6 month rental advance. Another strange thing was that money orders came diretely from Nigeria !!!! Be attention folks if any thing comes to you (any advance money) from African country specially from Nigeria ..: NEVER EVER RESPONSE TO THEM!! I believe this is how their scheem works:

1- they will send you money orders (fake money orders) with your name on it for advance of your rental property

2- they will suggest you to deposit it in your bank

3- you go to your bank, your bank will deposit your (fake money orders) into your account but hold your money for almost 15 ~ 25 business days (depend on your bank)

4- You account will show you that you have 3000$ deposited into your account (but remember you can't withdraw it until those checks are cleared)

5- after few days you'll receive another email from person who sent you money orders and will inform you that he/she has some problem they can't come to rent your place (there can be any reason e.g. can't get visa, or ticket), so they need their money back but they will allow you to keep security deposit or may be 35% amount of that money

6- Some people be very sorry that he/she is not able to come to Canada but they will be happy to keep atleast security deposit or some more but they will send back rest of the ballance to scam artists.

7- After few weeks your bank informs you that your money order were fake and can't be cleared.. not only your 3000$ money orders were totally fake !! but you sent few thousands dollars from your own account your own money to some one in Nigeria, you even don't know him/her.

Team member of
a 100% free website to rent or to sell properties

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